Humanity Delete – Never Ending Nightmares

Steve Buscemi shoving a hacked-off leg down a woodchipper. For whatever reason, that image manifested itself in my head thirty seconds into the Never Ending Nightmares. Appropriately so, because herein you will find Grind-inflected DM done with absolute precision. Napalm Death collides with Bolt Thrower on a Swedish steel bridge of sound on this release, with all three elements spilling together into the North Sea below. And rightfully so, for sole Humanity Delete mastermind Rogga Johanson has plied his Swede DM trade for years now amongst many underground bands, and that perseverance has paid off in the songwriting. Though simple and not breaking new any ground per se, there’s a professionalism in the presentation of these tracks that can only come from experience. Yes, yes, the drums are programmed here, and some of that percussive warmth is missing, but overall the tone of them is full and gives that proper runaway-wagon-on-fire feeling you need when spinning this kind of raw rage. The album infects with a catchy vocal cadence and overdriven guitars that redline Rogga’s speaker cabinets with crackling sludge on the neck-breaking breakdowns. And armed with a lyrical content that digs a little deeper than most (really hope those written explanations make it into the final product, they are truly interesting), together these variables keep you focused on each track comprised of a pleasing 50/50 split between the aforementioned Swedish DM and UK Grindcore. Guitar solos are deftly handled by Lasse Pyykkö (Hooded Menace) and fuel the sorties flown by this one-man squadron, driving Johanson’s riff drones downward to complete their two-and-a-half-minute attacks (all the time one needs to grind).

This is an album to reach for when you don’t have time for pretense; put it on and keep yourself awake on those late-night highway drives. Just don’t spill your beverage of choice as you ‘bang. -Jim

Dead Beat Media

~ by cliftonium on November 21, 2012.

One Response to “Humanity Delete – Never Ending Nightmares”

  1. Very happy with this objective review. Glad you enjoyed the CD, and thanks!

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