Act of Impalement – Echoes of Wrath / Hyperborean Altar (demo compilation)

ActOfImpalement (200x200)Caligari Records continues its cassette assault upon the underground with a demo compilation from Nashville, Tennesee’s Act of Impalement, a trio with ears open to what has worked in doom/death’s slow-to-mid-paced past and the minds to lash it all together effectively for the present. Imagine a ‘Morbid Tales’-era Tom Warrior employing a Boss HM-2 instead of a tube screamer over-drive pedal, and you’ll get an idea of not only the thick and persistent guitar tone, but also the well-worn songwriting style that hasn’t lost its decayed-flesh luster over the last three decades. Act of Impalement aren’t writing new manuals for the modern extreme metal minion to find guidance, but that’s just fine; the band’s amalgam of early Celtic Frost/Hellhammer (heard somewhat more on ‘Hyperborean Altar’) and ‘90s OSDM remains infectious and engaging throughout both sides of the tape. ‘Teutoburg Forest’ will blissfully carry those in the know back ‘To Mega Therion’s more nightmarish, slow doom-ridden moments, with bends and fourths a-plenty augmenting the evil pouring forth from your speakers, while the latter half of opening track ‘Echoes of War’ has the sound of a baked-in-the-sun ‘Left Hand Path’ LP. All the while, vocalist Dark Druid’s blend of LG Petrov cadence, NYDM-style low roars, and the throat-shredding capabilities of a young John Tardy keep the dirges moving along with an intensity that matches, and in some moments even surpasses some of their blast-beating brethren. A worthy addition to your rectangle-shaped physical audio collection. -Jim

Caligari Records

~ by cliftonium on August 20, 2014.

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